Etchants of Copper for PWB
Soft etching agent applied to circuit forming of PWB Clean Etch CPE series
This is a soft etching agent with H2O2/H2SO4 as the main ingredients, and is optimum pretreatment for dry film laminate and solder resist and solder flux etc.
- It is designed to improve adhesion with various resists through chemically-clean surface treatment.
- The concentration of the main ingredients H2O2/H2SO4 enables automatic analysis with liquid management device in addition to manual analysis, and is effective in saving energy.
CPE-700 series

- It forms mild surfaces with less directionality than with conventional buff polishing.
- It removes oxide layers generated by processes.
CPE-900 series

- It obtains a roughened copper surface, improving resist adhesion.
- The COD:BOD value in the chemical is relatively low.
Main Applications
- Dry film laminate pretreatment
- Solder resist pretreatment
- Solder flux pretreatment
- Blacking process pretreatment